Hunger Blog - Page 33

Disaster Boxes provided by Abbott
Tuesday, Aug 18 2015


Residents along the eastern and southern coastlines know it’s never too early to prepare for hurricane season. With the 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina approaching in a couple of weeks, the...

Saturday, Jun 27 2015


“Oh look, there is a crowd already waiting for us, “I said as we pulled into our first stop of this summer on the Lunch Express. We had several parents and fifteen young, eager faces jumping around...

Tags: Child Hunger
Feeding America's Brady Koch and his children.
Sunday, Jun 21 2015
Every parent never wants to say “We can’t have lunch today. We don’t have anything to eat.” School breakfast and lunch programs provide meals to food insecure kids but what happens when school is out in the summer?
Tags: Child Hunger
The Great American Milk Drive graphic.
Monday, Jun 1 2015


Summer is a time of fun and excitement for many children, but for the more than 22 million children who rely on free or reduced-price school meals during the school year, it may be a time when they...

Wednesday, May 20 2015
At MAZON: A Jewish Response To Hunger we are working hard to slow – and hopefully eliminate – these rates. Along with dozens of other organizations, such as Feeding America, we are determined to address senior hunger effectively and efficiently.
A man standing next to boxes of food.
Wednesday, Apr 22 2015
Up to 40 percent of the good, safe food produced in America never makes it to people's plates. Instead 40 percent, or 70 million tons, goes to waste.
Tags: Food Waste