The Great American Milk Drive

The Great American Milk Drive Can Help Get More Fresh Milk To Children This Summer

The Great American Milk Drive graphic.
June 1, 2015
by Victor Zaborsky


Summer is a time of fun and excitement for many children, but for the more than 22 million children who rely on free or reduced-price school meals during the school year, it may be a time when they miss out on critical component of their diet: milk.

Milk is one of the most requested items by food bank clients year-round, and it is especially needed during the summer. But, a 2014 survey of Feeding America food banks revealed that, on average, we are only able to provide the equivalent of less than one gallon of milk per person per year. That’s because while donors are generous with canned and dry goods, many don’t think to donate milk because it’s perishable.

This summer, you can help bring more fresh milk, which has nine essential nutrients, including eight grams of protein in each eight ounce glass, to children who need it most in communities all across the country. We encourage our donors to help power the play of kids in our neighborhoods with a small donation at A donation of as little as $5 will deliver a gallon of milk to a local family (when you enter your billing zip code, your donation will be delivered to the food bank that serves your community).

Double Your Donation

On June 16, your donation can make an even larger impact when you participate in a one-day social media milk drive. All donations – up to $10,000 – will be matched by The Great American Milk Drive on this day So, if you’re going to donate on one day, mark your calendar for June 16! You can also follow the conversation on Facebook and X with #MilkDrive.

Since 2014, The Great American Milk Drive has provided more than 325,000 gallons of milk to community food banks from coast to coast.

Find out how you can become involved with The Great American Milk Drive at You can join the conversation about The Great American #MilkDrive on the following social channels:

*Victor Zaborsky is the Vice President of Marketing at MilkPEP (Milk Processor Education Program). He leads The Great American Milk Drive and is passionate about helping to get more nutritious milk to people in need.


Infographic on how milk helps childrens needs