Thank a Food Bank Hero!

Volunteers and food bank staff help at an emergency food distribution in Watsonville, California, during major flooding in the community.

Thank a Food Bank Hero

A happy girl holding oranges

Share your support for the food bank staff and volunteers by signing a card and sharing your words of gratitude. (All fields required)

While food insecurity rates increase, communities nationwide are rising to meet it. Dedicated volunteers and staff work tirelessly alongside families to run food banks and meal programs. They're sharing food, building gardens, and calling for changes that make healthy food easier to find for everyone.

Together, they're showing that even when things are tough, we can build a future where everyone has the food they need to thrive!

While food insecurity rates increase, communities nationwide are rising to meet it. Dedicated volunteers and staff work tirelessly alongside families to run food banks and meal programs. They're sharing food, building gardens, and calling for changes that make healthy food easier to find for everyone.

Together, they're showing that even when things are tough, we can build a future where everyone has the food they need to thrive!

What other people are saying










Thank you for what you do and the people you help. I am one of those people. If it weren't for food banks, we would be mighty hungry. My husband and I are both disabled. By the time we pay bills and buy much needed medicine, there is no money left for food purchases. Thank God, you people are there to help us. We are SO grateful. Thank you! God bless you!

We want to give a big thank you for absolutely everything. You have helped our family more then you will ever know and many many more families as well. You’re a blessing and absolutely incredible!!!! Thank you!!!!!

Just knowing that a child may not have food to eat hurts. And I want to say thank you for your hard work.

Thank you for all that you do. I remember being younger and going to soup kitchens, food banks and even one church that would feed hundreds a very amazing Thanksgiving dinner. People who help save lives and spirits. Thank you very much.

What you are doing is incredibly important. Recently when I lost my job due to an injury, my wife and I were struggling to eat. We only had enough money to feed our kids. Thanks to our local foodbank my wife and I were able to eat and make sure our children could have healthy food. Thank you so very much.

Thank you for all that you do. My local food bank helped my parents out for many many years, supplying food to them every single month. They would even deliver it to their house if they couldn’t make the drive for pick up. You guys are real heros. Bless you all and Happy Holidays!!!

What you do is amazing. Not a day goes by that you are not appreciated by someone; today, it's me. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!

Thank you to all the foodbanks that have helped me and my children over the years I wouldn't know what to do sometimes if I didn't have the support from the foodbanks and of course the gracious volunteers that help us. You all have no idea how much I appreciate you all. Thank you very much to all of you.

I really love how you try to help feed everyone who needs it. I feel really really bad for those who don’t have any food. I want to help in any way I can. :) all I’m saying is I love what you do. - Josephine :) age 9

The impact of your work cannot be measured solely in the number of meals served; it resonates in the lives you touch, the smiles you bring, and the comfort you provide. Your dedication inspires all of us to be more compassionate, empathetic, and generous individuals, reminding us that a small act of kindness can ripple through the lives of many. Thank you for all you do!

Thank you so much for helping me feed my family over the last few months. Of course we work however, there just isn’t enough money left after bills to feed my family, especially at the current prices that the store is charging. All I have to say is thank you to all the Food Bank Heroes out there that come to my families and many other families rescue at least once a month.

You all are a blessing to many! Just think of the many families you feed every day that don’t have to go to bed with empty tummies. Inflation is so high now that more will go hungry. No one anywhere should be hungry. And the lives each of you touch warms a heart and fills a belly. Yes, you are HEROS and I thank you with all my heart and I thank God for each one of you and the food banks. Thank you so much.

You are more than appreciated for your out of the way services! Human beings like yourselves are one of a kind and should be honored in ways that you're not! You all are behind the scene heros! I wish this world was filled with more people like yourselves. It's people like you who remind me to always have faith in God because he has his angels here at work.

Thank you so much for helping people like me survive. Your jobs save lives and all of us who need to use food banks are very grateful.

I want to thank you for your donations and assistance to the homeless people in this program. You’re doing more than just filling their bellies. You’re showing them that people do care, and that gives them hope. Sometimes hope is just what people need to try to change their lives.

Many beautiful things cannot be seen or touched; they are felt with the heart. What you’ve done for me is one of them, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!