Wish families a happy Thanksgiving

Take a moment to send a Thanksgiving note to someone visiting a food bank. If you need a bit of inspiration, we've included some heartwarming messages from others.
The high costs of food, housing, and health care have made it difficult to afford a special, nourishing Thanksgiving meal, and you can help make the holiday a little brighter for a member of your community.
If you need a bit of inspiration, here are some heartwarming messages from last Thanksgiving.
What other people are saying
Christine H.
Chris C.
Encourage a visitor
You are courageous. You are strong. You are resourceful. You are someone who deserves to be cherished. You've had the courage, resourcefulness, and the strength to not only keep going, but to reach out for help and successfully secure the resources that you and yours need. I wish you and yours all the best. I don't know you, but I'm grateful the world has you in it.
Dear friend, we may be strangers, but I believe in the importance of random acts of kindness and looking out for each other in our community. In these difficult times, know you are not alone. I hope this food provides you with warmth and comfort this holiday season. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones and have a very happy Thanksgiving.
We don't know each other, but I promise you I will pester our legislators relentlessly to enact and uphold policies that will make hunger history for you. Nobody should ever have to go hungry regardless of who they are, where they live, or what they do.
I hope this food is nourishment to the body, and food for the soul too – know that you aren't alone (I'm thinking of you!) and that you matter. Everyone has something to give others: a story, a hug, words of comfort. I hope this message gives you some hope to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Happy Thanksgiving.
I am grateful to you for not losing hope, not giving up and for being strong. I hope that the day will come soon when you do not have to worry about putting food on the table. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
I know what it's like to feel alone and I wanted to let you know I am here and you are not alone. May this meal warm your belly and your soul, and also I hope this is your best year yet, though there may be hurtles ahead and ups and downs along the way, just always know & remember this: you are stronger than you think so don't give up!! I am rooting for you!
I have had a tough year myself and just wanted you to know that you are loved, you are appreciated for all your efforts and sacrifices to provide for your family. I want you to remember things happen for a reason and although it may not seem like it right now, but it will get better. There’s always a storm before a rainbow appears and there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.
May you be surrounded with the love of family and friends. Share the love with others who may not be near their own family. Most of all, be kind. Hugs and words of encouragement cost nothing but can be worth so much more than we realize. May you have a blessed holiday surrounded in love.
I hope that you realize deep down what a unique and incredibly strong person you are and that what you are going through now is going to make you stronger. Please enjoy this day and enjoy the people around you and know that you are loved. I know I don't know you, but I love you and know you are going to have blessings coming your way so please believe it because it is true.
I want you to know I'm thinking of you this holiday season. I was laid off right before the holidays in the early 1980’s. I was young so I did not have much savings. Food banks helped me through that rough patch. That is why I give to Feeding America today.
This is a really tough time for so many people. I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful for you and your family, and that better times are ahead for you all.
You are special and you matter. Things are rough for my family this year too. If I had money, I would invite you and others to enjoy dinner with us. I'm thankful for being able to sign this card for you. I hope it brightens your day. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours.
Even though we have never met, I'm thinking of you this holiday season and I'm hoping you have a good Thanksgiving meal. These are tough times, and it is good to keep hope alive. May you and your family enjoy many blessings now and in the days to come. Happy Thanksgiving!
As I take time to give thanks for the blessings in my life, I want to let you know how grateful I am that you are one of them! Sending a hug for each mile that separates us. May the warmth of the harvest fill your heart this season, at Thanksgiving, and always. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!