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The power of partnerships to source and secure good, healthy food—to distribute to people facing hunger in communities across the country—is essential to achieving Feeding America’s mission to end hunger.

Strong partnerships, like the one we have with RTX, help as we work to meet the increased demand for food. Around 85% of responding partner food banks report seeing demand for food assistance increase or stay the same in April 2024 compared to March 2024, according to Feeding America’s latest network survey (as of June 2024).

RTX, one of our Leadership Partners, accelerated its hunger-relief support in 2022 by expanding its commitment to our equitable food access and military hunger initiatives. RTX’s $3.3 million investment in equitable food access grants and military hunger initiatives helps allow food banks across the country to secure and distribute food to the communities most in need. The grants also enabled those food banks to start or expand local programs to identify and act on racial and geographical barriers to food access, as well as enable members to build relationships with congressional offices to champion causes that benefit service members. For some military and veteran families, hunger is a harsh reality: Among working-age veterans, 1 in 9 are food insecure, and in 2020, 24% of active-duty service members were food insecure.

Through investments, employee volunteerism and food donations, RTX is committed to supporting hunger relief in the U.S., particularly in the communities where its employees live and work. As one example in action, watch a brief video (on this web page) of RTX employees sharing their time to support Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona (Tucson, AZ).

“Our business is a part of the community and in order for our business to thrive, the community has to thrive,” said Adrian Verduzco, Executive Director of Manufacturing Operations, RTX, in the video.

"Employee Engagement: In Action".