Hunger Blog - Page 29

Wednesday, Jun 1 2016
The Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma operates two food trucks throughout the year. In the summer months, trucks are sent to low-income communities that have a large population of young children.
Tags: Child Hunger
Sally, Child Hunger Corps member
Thursday, May 19 2016
Thanks to Red Nose Day’s commitment to improving the lives of children in need, my recommendation of starting the School Pantry Program became a reality.
Tuesday, May 10 2016
Owning and operating a repack machine in a dedicated space is rare, and affords the food bank operations staff an opportunity to rethink their business model from solely a distribution organization to a processing and distributing facility.
Ian - volunteer
Thursday, Apr 14 2016
April is National Volunteer Appreciation Month and here are some of the many volunteer stories from around the Feeding America food bank network.