Hunger Blog - Page 28

Flooding from Hurricane Matthew
Tuesday, Oct 11 2016
This past week the threat became reality as Hurricane Matthew pummeled the Southeast U.S. Thankfully, Feeding America and its member food banks were in a positi
Taylor Coffin of Land O'Lakes
Thursday, Sep 29 2016
Food symbolizes sustenance, community and life. And fighting hunger is more than filling tummies; it’s about building communities and empowering people.
Monday, Sep 26 2016
Some people were already food insecure, some may have never been and many were able to provide for their daily needs but not for the financial impact of the dis
Wednesday, Aug 24 2016
I’m constantly astounded and saddened by the staggering statistics that tell us how access to fruits and vegetables is difficult for so many Americans. And how 1 in 5 kids struggles with hunger.
Tags: Child Hunger
Tuesday, Jul 26 2016
Each year, the USDA recognizes new, innovative practices for improving the reach and impact of SFSP and suggests community partners who might be able help. This year the focus is working within hospitals and health care centers.
Tags: Child Hunger
Wednesday, Jul 20 2016
While more than 60 percent of children in Florida qualify for free or reduced lunch, only about 9 percent participate in feeding programs. However, Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida is able provide breakfast and lunch to more than 3,000 children a day.
Tags: Child Hunger
Finding new partners in the retail industry to help end hunger.
Tuesday, Jul 19 2016
Retail donations serve as a bedrock for day-to-day food bank operations, we also know food recovery presents even more opportunities for growth.
Tags: How We Work
Karen Hanner at the White House food waste event
Thursday, Jul 14 2016
The days of the current White House Administration may be winding down, but they still took time to make history recently by hosting the first White House Round
Tags: Food Waste