Friends journey toward resilience in San Francisco

Ms. Lam and Ms. Gong.
June 26, 2024
by Joel Gonzalez

In the heart of San Francisco, under the clear sky of a spring day, Ms. Lam and Ms. Gong, both recipients of San Francisco-Marin Food Bank’s Pop-Up pantry, stood amidst the bustling, outdoor distribution scene. Often these pop-ups are not just a distribution point for sustenance; they can serve as a beacon of hope, a reminder of resilience, and a testament to the transformative power of community support.

Years ago, Ms. Lam and Ms. Gong found their way to San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, a Feeding America partner food bank, through the guidance of their neighbors. Living in separate senior housing units but sharing a bond rooted in shared experiences, they embarked on a journey that went beyond provision of food.

Ms. Lam initially received support from San Francisco-Marin Food Bank's Home Delivered Grocery (HDG) service. Though valuable, she has been happy to start coming to a food pantry instead where she can choose from a greater variety of protein items -- including eggs, which weren't included in HDG deliveries because of issues with them breaking. "They provide everything that I need, and I can easily use Cantonese ingredients to make dishes that I like” she stated.

Both women’s connection to food insecurity runs deep, tracing back to their childhood in Guangzhou, China, during times of famine. "I experienced food insecurity as a child in China," shared Ms. Gong, sharing her memories. "We rarely ate meat, and our meals mostly consisted of vegetables mixed into rice. We had to learn to eat less to make it through the day.”

Their journey through food insecurity has been arduous but profoundly transformative. "We grew up in a constant state of worry about food, and coming to this country and having access to food pantries like this is a relief," Ms. Gong emphasized. "Our lives changed significantly," Ms. Lang and Ms. Gong echoed in unison, emphasizing the support they found in each other and their community.

Feeding America partner food banks across the country are partnering directly with local AANHPI communities to equitably increase access, prioritize dignity, improve health and expand opportunity so everyone has access to the food we need to thrive.