Eight Ways to Give Back This Summer

Fight summer hunger with these family friendly activities

May 12, 2022
by Anna Vogel

Most kids look forward to summer break. But, for kids facing hunger, summer vacation can be anything but a break. 22 million kids count on school meals programs for nutritious food, but fewer than 1 in 6 have access to summer meal programs to fill the gaps when school is out. 

The Feeding America network is working to end child summer hunger, and there is also a lot you and your family can do to help. In between the pool parties and summer getaways, find time to give back with these fun activities for your family.

1.    Volunteer! There’s nothing more rewarding than spending an afternoon making a difference for your own community. There are tons of ways to volunteer at your local food bank and pantries. Find your local food bank and get involved today

2.    Advocate for child summer meal programs. Millions of children across the country rely on school meal programs. Summer break may mean the lack of access to food, but you can help. Tell your lawmakers: end child summer hunger. 

3.    Plant a family garden and donate part of your harvest to a local food pantry. It’s the ultimate DIY: Use your outdoor space or get involved with a community garden to grow fruits and vegetables that can fill empty plates. Connect with your local food bank to learn how to donate the fresh produce.

4.    Thank a food bank hero. Food bank staff and volunteers are working tirelessly to help families in need. Let them know you appreciate their work with a thank you note. Write yours today!

5.    Make that 5k go even farther by using an upcoming race to raise money to fight child hunger. Set a fundraising goal to reach by the time of your race and ask your friends and family to support you while you train. Get started with your own personal fundraising page here.

6.    Host a lemonade stand or bake sale and donate the profits to your local food bank. Spend some quality time with your family perfecting your lemonade recipe or making your favorite baked good. Engage your neighbors and donate the profits to your local food bank.

7.    Buy an extra bag of food. When you’re doing your weekly grocery shopping, pick up a few extra non-perishable items and bag separately. Then a few times throughout the summer, drop off your collection at your local food bank. A local family in need can enjoy the same meal as you, making your dinnertime that much more special. Wondering what food banks need? Check out our handy guide.

8.    Spread the word. Educate your friends on the ways you’re fighting child hunger or invite them to volunteer with you. Share with your friends and followers on social media your experience fighting hunger and encourage them to do the same. Check out Feeding America’s Facebook and X pages.