800 Ohlone Parkway
Watsonville, CA 95076
800 Ohlone Parkway
Watsonville, CA 95076
Chief Executive: Erica Padilla-Chavez
Media Contact: Dawn Barreras
Affiliate Food Banks
Community Food Bank of San Benito County1133 San Felipe RoadHollister, CA 95023831.637.0340http://www.communityfoodbankofsbc.org/
Each year, Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County
distributes 11,273,327 pounds of food to people facing hunger.
Counties served by Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County:
san benito, santa cruzIn the area served by
Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County
Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County
1 in 9 people
face hunger.

1 in 7 children face hunger.
On Cathy Moore's darkest day, she found hope at a food pantry in Chicago. Now, years later, she's the director of that pantry and a light of hope in her community. This is her story.
Read Cathy