Harvesters - The Community Food Network


3801 Topping Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64129

3801 Topping Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64129


Chief Executive: Stephen Davis
Media Contact: Sarah Biles

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Each year, Harvesters - The Community Food Network
distributes 65,503,630 pounds of food to people facing hunger.
Counties served by Harvesters - The Community Food Network:
clay, douglas, franklin, jackson, jefferson, johnson, leavenworth, marshall, miami, nemaha, osage, pottawatomie, riley, shawnee, wabaunsee, washington, wyandotte, bates, carroll, cass, clay, henry, jackson, johnson, lafayette, platte, ray
In the area served by
Harvesters - The Community Food Network
1 in 8 people 1 in 8 people face hunger.
1 in 6 children face hunger.

Ilka's Story

A woman sitting in front of a Christmas tree.

People know Ilka as “the grandma of the world” because she loves everybody as though they were her own grandchildren.

“The women of my family taught me that community is everything,” she said. “I am sure that they would be proud of me because I have carried on the tradition of loving people through food.”

Ilka always invites neighbors to join in family meals. “It lets them know that they're not forgotten about, that somebody is thinking about them, and that somebody really cares about them,” she said.

This year, Ilka visited Topeka’s Open Arms Outreach Ministries pantry where her

Read Ilka's Story