4600 Central Ave
PO Box 5048
Monroe, LA 71211
4600 Central Ave
PO Box 5048
Monroe, LA 71211
Chief Executive: Jean Toth
Media Contact: Jean Toth
Each year, Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana
distributes 6,487,763 pounds of food to people facing hunger.
Counties served by Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana:
caldwell, east carroll, franklin, jackson, lincoln, madison, morehouse, ouachita, richland, tensas, union, west carrollIn the area served by
Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana
Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana
1 in 5 people
face hunger.

1 in 3 children face hunger.
On Cathy Moore's darkest day, she found hope at a food pantry in Chicago. Now, years later, she's the director of that pantry and a light of hope in her community. This is her story.
Read Cathy