5442 Bear Lane
Corpus Christi, TX 78405
5442 Bear Lane
Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Chief Executive: Bea Hanson
Media Contact: Micaela Calderon-Stewart
Each year, Coastal Bend Food Bank
distributes 12,660,337 pounds of food to people facing hunger.
Counties served by Coastal Bend Food Bank:
aransas, bee, brooks, duval, jim wells, kenedy, kleberg, live oak, mc mullen, nueces, san patricioIn the area served by
Coastal Bend Food Bank
Coastal Bend Food Bank
1 in 5 people
face hunger.

1 in 4 children face hunger.
On Cathy Moore's darkest day, she found hope at a food pantry in Chicago. Now, years later, she's the director of that pantry and a light of hope in her community. This is her story.
Read Cathy