Atlanta Community Food Bank


3400 N Desert Dr
Atlanta, GA 30344

3400 N Desert Dr
Atlanta, GA 30344


Chief Executive: Kyle Waide
Media Contact: Michelle Batts

Find us on:
Affiliate Food Banks
Georgia Mountain Food BankPO Box 233Gainesville, GA 30503770.534.4111 
Each year, Atlanta Community Food Bank
distributes 78,674,739 pounds of food to people facing hunger.
Counties served by Atlanta Community Food Bank:
bartow, butts, carroll, cherokee, clayton, cobb, coweta, dawson, dekalb, douglas, fayette, floyd, forsyth, fulton, gwinnett, hall, haralson, heard, henry, lumpkin, morgan, newton, paulding, pickens, polk, rockdale, spalding, union, walton
End Hunger. Grow Stronger.
"We mobilize food, people and ideas so that no one is hungry in our community. Join us as we build a healthier, stronger community free of hunger."
Kyle Waide, President and CEO
Headshot of Kyle Wade.
In the area served by
Atlanta Community Food Bank
1 in 9 people 1 in 9 people face hunger.
1 in 6 children face hunger.


On Cathy Moore's darkest day, she found hope at a food pantry in Chicago. Now, years later, she's the director of that pantry and a light of hope in her community. This is her story.
Read Cathy