Arkansas Foodbank


4301 W 65th St
Little Rock, AR 72209

4301 W 65th St
Little Rock, AR 72209


Chief Executive: Brian Burton
Media Contact: Ebony Mitchell

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Each year, Arkansas Foodbank
distributes 31,337,330 pounds of food to people facing hunger.
Counties served by Arkansas Foodbank:
arkansas, ashley, bradley, calhoun, chicot, clark, cleburne, cleveland, conway, dallas, desha, drew, faulkner, garland, grant, hot spring, independence, jefferson, lee, lincoln, lonoke, monroe, montgomery, ouachita, perry, phillips, pope, prairie, pulaski, saline, union, van buren, white
Creating a community where no one has to go hungry.
"Nothing can measure what it means to help everyday people take control of their lives. For these individuals, hope is a hot meal, a bag of groceries, a well-nourished child. "
-- Rhonda Sanders, CEO
Headshot photo of Rhonda Sanders.
In the area served by
Arkansas Foodbank
1 in 6 people 1 in 6 people face hunger.
1 in 4 children face hunger.


On Cathy Moore's darkest day, she found hope at a food pantry in Chicago. Now, years later, she's the director of that pantry and a light of hope in her community. This is her story.
Read Cathy