Neighbor Power Summit attendee speaking into a microphone
Neighbor Power Summit attendee speaking into a microphone
Neighbor Power Summit attendees

2023 Elevating Voices: Insights Report

We must make more progress in the movement to end hunger. Together, we can. People facing hunger are the real experts. Here's what they told us.

This year’s report includes a survey of neighbors facing hunger, defined as people who received charitable food assistance and/or experienced food insecurity within the past few years, to inform a vision for a hunger-free nation.

Neighbor Power Summit attendee speaking into a microphone
Neighbor Power Summit attendee speaking into a microphone
Neighbor Power Summit attendees

State of Hunger Today

Hunger remains an urgent crisis for millions. People facing hunger shared that since the pandemic peak, the cost of living, housing and healthcare are top reasons why it’s increasingly difficult to afford and access the food they need to thrive. 

81% of neighbors facing hunger believe inflation exacerbated hunger.
Key factors impacting food insecurity graphic.
93% of neighbors are concerned that the ongoing hunger crisis could get worse.
88% of neighbors facing hunger say it should be treated urgently.

In Their Own Words: Hear Directly from People Facing Hunger

The movement to end hunger in the U.S. can succeed when people facing hunger are at its heart.  

Hear directly from people facing hunger to understand why people closest to the problem must be at the table when designing solutions.

It shouldn't be that hard to feed the people of America. - Tiffany Turner, Washington


"It shouldn't be that hard to feed the people of America."

- Tiffany, Washington

Headshot of Keisha


"It makes you feel less than a mom when you can't feed your children.....And another thing about food insecurity is that people may not always look like you'd think they would look if they're food insecure."

- Keisha, Oklahoma

Headshot of Jovita.


"We are determined not to give up, to be part of the movement, to be part of the search for resources, to be involved in order to also progress in the future."

- Jovita, Minnesota

Ideas for Ending Hunger Tomorrow

Ending hunger in the U.S. is possible when all of us, from lawmakers to supporters, work alongside people facing hunger to create anti-hunger policies and programs. Neighbors say we must ground our work in the four pillars below.

See the 2022 policy recommendations.

  • Insight: Everyone deserves dignified access to food.  

    Policy Recommendation: Addressing stigma and dismantling barriers can ensure better, faster and more comprehensive access to food assistance programs.

  • Insight: Access to preferred food is one of the biggest challenges, made harder by lack of access to stores and knowledge of federal food assistance. 

    Policy Recommendation: Decision-makers must invest in policies that make it easier for everyone to equitably access food and food assistance. 

  • Insight: It will take more than food to end hunger—food security is directly tied to economic well-being. 

    Policy Recommendation: Lawmakers must also address factors that impact hunger, including access to housing and healthcare.

  • Insight: Access to nutritious food is critical for overall health and preventing and managing diet-related diseases. 

    Policy Recommendation: Policymakers must ensure everyone has access to nutritious foods without having to sacrifice necessities like medication that strengthen health outcomes.   

Hear Jennifer's Story

“As much as you work, the system is set up for you to continue in a cycle of food insecurity.” Jennifer shares how her experience with food insecurity led her to become an advocate for change.

Watch Elevating Voices: Our Neighbors' Voices on YouTube.

From Listening to Action

When we listen to people with lived experience of food insecurity we can create long term solutions to end hunger together.

Watch Elevating Voices on YouTube.

Tell Congress to Pass a Strong 2023 Farm Bill

Investing in anti-hunger programs and policies in the farm bill and other legislation will help ensure none of our neighbors faces hunger.

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Thank you for signing the petition. Keep an eye on your inbox for more ways to help end hunger in the United States.

Elevating Voices: Insights 2023 in Spanish