• You can apply for WIC if you meet the following eligibility requirements:

    • You are a woman who is pregnant, postpartum, or breastfeeding, or a caregiver (parent, step-parents, guardian, or foster parent) to an infant or child up to five years old
    • You live in the state in which you apply or meet the residency requirements for an Indian Tribal Organization
    • You have a low income (income requirements differ in every state), or someone in your family receives SNAP, Medicaid or TANF
    • You have a medical-based condition, a history of poor pregnancy outcomes, or lack access to healthy foods

  • To apply for WIC, please contact your local WIC office  to set up an appointment. You can schedule your appointment by phone.

    At your appointment, your WIC counselor will help you determine if you are eligible. A nutrition expert will also ask you questions about your health and nutrition.

  • WIC provides families with:

    • Monthly checks or vouchers to purchase info formula at a participating store or clinic
    • One-to-one nutrition counseling and classes to help you live your healthiest life
    • Free breastfeeding support with lactation consultants and peer counselors
    • Screening and referrals for health care and other programs

    WIC foods include baby formula, infant cereal, fruit or vegetable juice, eggs, milk, cheese, peanut butter, and vegetables.