Feeding America Statement on the White House’s New National Strategy to End Hunger by 2030

Statement Attributed to Vince Hall, Chief Government Relations Officer

September 27, 2022

"Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, applauds the White House for envisioning an America without hunger and releasing a new national strategy to end hunger in our country by 2030. This strategy builds on existing programs to ensure the food and nutrition security of the millions of Americans who face challenges putting food on the table. By expanding access to these programs, centering equity and focusing on ways to reduce disparities and poverty, we can help ensure everyone has access to the food and resources they say they need to thrive, regardless of their race, background or ZIP code.

"As this national strategy is discussed during tomorrow’s White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health and beyond, policymakers must remember that to end hunger, we need to listen to the people experiencing it. Insights from people facing hunger can help Congress and the administration create anti-hunger policies that more effectively meet people where they are and meet their needs.

"The Feeding America network of 200 food banks, 21 statewide associations and 60,000 faith-based and charitable partner food pantries and meal programs is committed to elevating the voices of people facing hunger. Through this summer’s Elevating Voices to End Hunger Together nationwide community listening initiative, we gathered input on anti-hunger solutions from nearly 36,000 people across all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico who have faced challenges getting the food they need. Last week, we released a report outlining these community-driven solutions to end America’s hunger crisis. There is common ground between the actions outlined in the White House’s national strategy and the policies largely supported by the people facing hunger who shared their insights with Feeding America over the summer.

"In a survey conducted as part of our Elevating Voices initiative, 92% of respondents agreed that to actually reduce hunger, the government, the private sector, nonprofits, local institutions and communities must come together to create solutions. Feeding America also believes that bold solutions require broad support. We are committed to working alongside people facing hunger, the administration, Congress and other partners to advance policies that will help our neighbors in need build a path to a brighter, food-secure future. Together, we can end hunger in America."


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About Feeding America

Feeding America® is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States. Through a network of more than 200 food banks, 21 statewide food bank associations, and over 60,000 partner agencies, food pantries and meal programs, we helped provide 5.3 billion meals to tens of millions of people in need last year. Feeding America also supports programs that prevent food waste and improve food security among the people we serve; brings attention to the social and systemic barriers that contribute to food insecurity in our nation; and advocates for legislation that protects people from going hungry. Visit www.feedingamerica.org, find us on Facebook or follow us on X.com.