Impact Reports

Spring 2024 Impact Report cover image.

Feeding America's Spring 2024 Impact Report includes information on:

  • A partner food bank in California becoming the first food bank in the world to earn a ‘zero waste’ certification
  • An update on our Government Relations and Advocacy work, including the largest standalone Feeding America fly-in event in our history, the Farmers Feed America coalition, and continued advocacy for the passage of a strong farm bill
  • Our work in the Southwest region to amplify hunger relief through a multi-national effort, involving multiple project partners, food banks and more, along with the Mexican Food Banking Network, which operates a network of more than 50 food banks throughout Mexico

>>Spring 2024 Impact Report - for Corporate and Supply Chain Partners

>>Spring 2024 Impact Report - for Individual Donors


Feeding America brings together a wide array of companies, foundations and individuals to make a lasting difference in communities across the nation. Read our impact reports to learn how our supporters and partners are helping to ensure all of our neighbors have the food they need.

See past issues: