St. Mary's Food Bank


Feeding America
161 N. Clark Street
Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60601

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Affiliate Food Banks
Each year, Feeding America
distributes pounds of food to people facing hunger.
Counties served by Feeding America:
In the area served by
Feeding America
1 in 7 people alttext face hunger.
1 in 5 children face hunger.

Natives Prepared

A woman holding a box of food.

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone in the town of Peach Springs, Arizona – on the Hualapai Tribe Indian reservation – who Cheyenne Majenty doesn’t know.
Ambling through the small town in the middle of the Arizona desert, not far from the western rim of the Grand Canyon, Cheyenne frequently slows her SUV to wave at friends and relatives. She points out houses of folks she knows; she chats with the hostess at the town’s restaurant. She mingles among tables of diners, asking about family, discussing town politics.
Cheyenne is a member of the Hualapai Tribe and was born and

Read Natives Prepared